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V etom net nichego udivitel'nogo — k sebe my boleye loyal'ny i mnogoye proshchayem. No narushit' obeshchaniye, dannoye partneru, slozhneye. Otvetstvennost' pered drugim chelovekom nam kazhetsya boleye vazhnoy. Kontrol' cheloveka so storony distsipliniruyet. Ещё 2 782 / 5 000 How to find motivation for fitness №1. Set yourself real and specific goals We are designed in such a way that we put all our efforts into what can be precisely defined and realistically achieved. Therefore, simply setting a goal - for example, regularly doing home workouts to lose weight - is not very motivating, but losing 3 kg in 2 weeks is already a specific and measurable result. №2. Choose workouts that you enjoy Fitness classes should not be a punishment. Choose a home workout program that you enjoy. If you like energetic, intense exercises, choose cardio, zumba, if you prefer more relaxed activities, then Pilates, yoga, gymnastics with a fitball will do. №3. Develop a habit Our body, like any physical system, avoids unnecessary energy expenditure. It benefits more from automatic movements that we perform without thinking. This is why the brain forms habits. But new actions, in this case regular home workouts, cause resistance from the brain. After all, it has to spend a lot of energy on doing unusual work. But then, when sports become a habit, home workouts will be perceived as an automatic action and will not cause resistance. #4. Reward yourself Psychologists have a special term - "habit loop". They consider a habit as a three-stage process: a signal to start the action - the action itself - encouragement. Moreover, the third stage - encouragement, is very important. It is thanks to it that activity turns into a habit - the brain sees that the action brings pleasure and remembers it as useful for the body. 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